Multiple Birth Pregnancies

6 March 2014
Multiple Birth

Throughout the human history, multiple pregnancies (multiple birth) aroused interest and mentioned in many legends. Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, quadruplets etc) used to be fairly uncommon. However, with the advent of IVF treatment, multiple pregnancies are becoming more commonplace.

Multiple Pregnancies (Multiple Birth) – Being pregnant with twins, triplets and more

Generally, it occurs as a consequence of many egg cell (oocyte) fertilized with same number of sprems. In this case, there are many genetically differentiated embryos. Two-thirds of these multiple pregnancies are inthis manner. Colloquially, this is called dizygotic twins (Polyzygotic or non-identical).

Sometimes a fertilized egg may be fissionable during development and a couple of embryos having same genetic characteristics may occur. This rare multiple pregnancy form (one-third) called as maternal twin (monozygotic or identical). Approximately 1% of pregnancies are multiple pregnancies. As well as being a lovely surprise, a multiple pregnancy does carry added risks and as such should be closely monitored.

Factors increasing multiple pregnancy possibility;

  • twin pregnancy in family,

5 March 2014
Storing Cord Blood

Storing Cord Blood

The baby’s life inside the uterus is connected to the placenta through the umbilical cord. Placenta is the organ which provides the transaction of nutrition and oxygen between the mother and the baby. This organ completes its function right after birth and is discharged from the uterus. After birth, the blood left between the placenta and the cord is called “cord blood”. The special characteristic of this blood is that it is different from the blood in the baby’s veins and it contains stem cells which are used in blood production. Stem cell resources, other than that of the cord blood, to be used for stem cell transplantation include bone marrow and peripheral blood (in our arms). The most important feature of stem cells is their ability to turn into any tissue or organ when right conditions are provided. The aim of storing cord blood is that it provides an option for the treatment of probable severe diseases during a child’s growth. Another, maybe a more important reason is that in the future cord blood banks are thought to be founded and with the consent of the stem cell owners, blood stored there will be used for people in need according to their tissue type.

What is the im


4 February 2014

 Breastfeeding and Breast Milk

  • Breastfeeding is immensely healthy and natural. It should be immediately started after birth whether it is a natural or C-section birth. Since the baby, coming into life after so many hours, is tired and hungry.
  • * Bleedings in the mother after birth will be stopped after immediate breastfeeding.
  • * Almost all women are physically able to breastfeed. It’s a skill that every woman needs to learn and practise. It happens more quickly for some women than others, but nearly all women can produce the amount of milk that the baby needs.
  • * After the baby’s birth, in order to produce plenty of milk, the mother has to concentrate on two things: frequent breastfeeding and drinking plenty of fluids.
  • * In order to produce plenty of milk and to breastfeed for an extended period of time, it is important for the baby to be fed on demand.
  • * The baby should feed from both breasts alternatively. The next feed should always start with the last side used for the previous feed.
  • * Best position should be selected and baby’s head and body should be fully facing the mother.
  • * It should be done by covering the areola instead of the nipple.
  • * Frequent cleaning of breasts with soap should be avoided.
  • * Babies are born with sufficie

3 February 2014
epidural anaesthesia

In order to understand Epidural anesthesia, one should know about pain during labour. What are the causes of labour pain? There are two main causes of pain during labour; emotional and functional causes. The causes for emotional pain are “fear and lack of knowledge”. These factors can affect the severeness of labour pain positive or negatively. Being educated and knowledgeable about labour may not end pain totally, but it helps us how to cope with it. A candidate having had such an education can resist and overcome pain much easier. The main causes for labour pain are functional ones. Uterine contractions, cervical opening, baby’s downward movement and medical intervention during labour or some of the functional causes. Neural stimulation messages in this area are sent to the brain, which is when pain is felt.

What is epidural anesthesia?

Epidural anesthesia is a type of regional anesthesia which blocks messages from a certain area of the body to be sent to the brain. It is applied by an anesthetics specialist (anesthelogist). It is the most effective way to relieve pain during labour; yet, it is not solely used for this purpose. Many major surgical operations such as C-section (below the waist line)

2 February 2014
Norma doğum veya Sezeryan

Approaches to birth have changed greatly in time. With the discovery of “painless labour”, giving birth is no more a very painful incident in the minds of future mothers. Thanks to technological advancements, improvements in surgery techniques and equipment, decrease in anaesthetic complications, caesarean section has become more and more widespread. Today, even among doctors there is a debate about which birthing method is prevalent. The most common issue that keeps the minds of future mothers and fathers busy, especially towards the final parts of pregnancy, is how the birth should be.

Major factors that play a role in deciding whether regular or C-section birth:

  • ” The family’s (couple’s) (especially the mother’s) desire
  • ” Doctor’s decision, depending on the life quality and vitality of both the mother and the fetus whom have been in close watch during pregnancy
  • ” The approach of the institutions involved in labour

Regular (Vaginal) Birth

It is a physiological occurrence. In a few hours after labour, the mother can go back to her daily activities and breastfeed her baby in a very short time. Thus, it is stated that the emotional touch starts very early between mother and the baby and as a re

1 February 2014

Childbirth  From the moment a couple decides to have a baby, they gradually become more and more excited at the prospect of their impending parenthood. After childbirth is over and the parents hold their precious baby in their arms, all the pain and anguish of the past is forgotten and the parents are overwhelmed with a sense of peace and happiness. Vaginal delivery is the term used when the mother gives birth to her baby naturally and without, or with minimal, medical intervention. After a 40 week gestational period the baby is delivered through the birth canal (vagina). The placenta and membranes are also delivered this way. Pregnancy in humans lasts for 280 days but only 5 percent of all babies are born on the expected delivery date. Most women give birth one week before the expected date of delivery.  


Childbirth starts with the onset of regular uterine contractions, which the expectant mother can experience as pain. This is commonly called “labour”. Normal completion of birth depends on three main factors. These can be classified as factors related to the uterus, the baby and the bone structure of mother. These three factors;

  • * Powers (contractions)
  • * Passageway (birth canal)
  • * Passenger (baby)


Posted in Pregnancy and Birth by Team Cyprus IVF | Tags: Birth, Birth process, Childbirth
31 January 2014
Early Membran Rupture

 Early Membran Rupture In order for the baby to have normal bodily functions, growth and development and to be able to move comfortably, amniotic fluid is necessary. This fluid which is surrounded by membranes called amnion and chorion is dynamic fluid having very important functions during pregnancy. The amniotic fluid protects the baby from external trauma, makes it possible to move easily, enables respiratory system development and keeps the heat at a steady temperature. Amniotic membranes specifically protect the baby from microorganisms which might pass through the vagina and cervix and go up.  

What is Early Membran Rupture (Premature Rupture Of Membranes) ?

When the amnion/amniotic membrane ruptures, and thus, water breaks early, before labour starts this is called early membrane rupture/premature rupture of membranes. With the rupture of the amnion membrane the filter mechanism that prevents the passage of germs/microorganisms from the outside world to the baby is lost. If the amniotic membrane is ruptured before the 37th week, it is called premature early membrane rupture/preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM). Premature rupture of membranes is one of the leading causes of premature labour. It is observed in about 10% of all pregnan

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